
Tag Archives: art and tradition

ethnos ethnica calaveras
Rest Ye Merry – Iconography of the Skull
Rest Ye Merry – iconography of the skull, a recurring motif in the classical iconography of many cultures, is definitely a most controversial one. If at first glance it may seem to express a negative value of Death, in folk traditions  of Tibet, Ladakh, India, South America (although in a more complex environment: suffice it to think of the Day of the Dead in Mexico), as well as in .

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le alebrijes messico
The Alebrije
The Alebrije, in the southern region of Mexico, and specifically in the state of Oaxaca, overlooking the Pacific Ocean at about 1550 meters above sea level, lies the homonymous town. Capital of one of the country’s poorest states, the city of Oaxaca is nestled in the valley that bears its name; inhabited since ancient times, different cultures followed each other in this area: the Olmecs, which had their heyday .

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The Hmong tradition and color
The Hmong tradition and color, this population are an ethnic minority native of China that, in past centuries, moved to the southern and populated regions of Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, according to their own aspirations for autonomy and territorial independence (the name Hmong in their language, means “free”). The interest in these people arises from the beauty of their products, which is expressed both in traditional clothing and jewelry, .

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Gli Otto Immortali della Tradizione Cinese
Gli Otto Immortali della tradizione cinese, nati in Cina intorno al XII sec e collegati alla dottrina taoista, gli Otto Immortali sono una personificazione della felicità e dell’allegria, della prosperità e della longevità. Tre di loro sono realmente esistiti, autentiche figure storiche, mentre i restanti derivano dalla tradizione popolare. Le otto figure sono tra loro contrapposte ed al tempo stesso complementari, specchio della realtà sociale del momento: troviamo quindi il nobile .

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mabon equinozio di autunno
Mabon the Autumn Equinox
Mabon the autumn equinox, on September 22nd is celebrated, according to the calendar of the Wheel of the Year, the second autumn harvest festival: MABON, the autumn equinox. After the spring equinox of Ostara, now once again the passage of time stands still in balance, with day and night of equal length: but now the nights become longer and the days shorten gradually; this is also the Sabbath of .

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ethnos ethnica samhain
Samhain the Celtic traditional Halloween Celebration
Samhain the Celtic traditional Halloween celebration, at the end of October, in the Celtic calendar of the Wheel of the Year, we encounter the best known, remembered and important festival for the culture from which it originates: SAMHAIN, Gaelic expression that stands for the winter season and that in archaic Irish language is translated into the name of the month of November. Originally, this anniversary took its beginning from .

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Akshamala the Buddhist Rosary and the Rosary around the World
Akshamala the Buddhist Rosary and the Rosary around the World, in the tradition and history of many cultures and religions, the use of special instruments as a support in man’s path to the Divine has always been of great interest, filled with a particular symbolic value. One of the most significant, popular and commonly known of such instruments is undoubtedly the ROSARY: very often associated to the solely Christian .

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la kapala artigianato etnico
Kapala the Skull Cup
Kapala the skull cap, the use of ritual objects associated with many religious practices has always been part of all cultures, with obvious differences due to the specific conditions of each population.Typical of the ancient nomads groups of the Eurasian steppe is the use of the skull, usually human, but often also of goat or monkey: kapala in Sanskrit, in Tibetan thod pa. This tool, shaped like a cup .

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Singing Bowls
Singing bowls, from time immemorial, the sound has had a significant and symbolic value as few other elements: considered a primordial principle, it is closely related to the verb, which is considered the source and beginning of everything. This concept is present in many religious practices, where the sound is considered a means to communicate with the Divine: just think of the recitation of the rosary, where the uttering .

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