Informazioni aggiuntive
Altezza | 4.5 cm |
Larghezza | 2.5 cm |
Profondità | 0.9 cm |
Paese d'origine | |
Materiali |
216,00 €
Pendente in Argento 950 di artigianato orafo sudamericano.
Raffigura la Maschera del Signore di Sipan.
Realizzato in Argento lavorato a sbalzo, è decorato con intarsi in Madreperla, Turchese peruviano e conchiglia Spiney Oyster che riproducono il motivo della corona di questo potente aristocratico. Nel 1987, in un villaggio nei pressi di Chiclayo, città Peruviana nella regione del Norte, è stata rinvenuta nel sito archeologico di Sipàn la tomba di questo personaggio di altissimo rango, appartenente al popolo Mochica o Moche, con tutto il suo corredo funerario, tra cui tre preziosi e splendidi diademi a forma di mezzaluna e straordinariamente ornati.
Nell’artigianato odierno molte sono le rappresentazioni e riproduzioni di questo importante tesoro preincaico, dove le maschere, per il loro significato simbolico, trovano un posto di grande rilievo.
Altezza | 4.5 cm |
Larghezza | 2.5 cm |
Profondità | 0.9 cm |
Paese d'origine | |
Materiali |
Pendant in Silver 950 of South American’s craft, depicting the mask of The Lord of Sipan.
Made of embossed Silver, it is decorated with inlaid Mother of Pearl, Peruvian Turquoise and Spiney Oyster shell that reproduce the pattern of the crown of this powerful aristocrat. In 1987 in a village near Chiclayo, Peruvian city in the Norte region, in the archeological site of Sipàn was found the tomb of this high ranked character who belonged to the Mochica or Moche people, with all of his funerary equipment, including three precious and beautiful tiaras, crescent-shaped and exceptionally decorated.
In today’s handicrafts there are many representations and reproductions of this important pre-Inca treasure, where the masks, for their symbolic meaning, find a place of great importance.
Pendant in Silver 950 of South American’s craft, depicting the mask of The Lord of Sipan.
Made of embossed Silver, it is decorated with inlaid Mother of Pearl, Peruvian Turquoise and Spiney Oyster shell that reproduce the pattern of the crown of this powerful aristocrat. In 1987 in a village near Chiclayo, Peruvian city in the Norte region, in the archeological site of Sipàn was found the tomb of this high ranked character who belonged to the Mochica or Moche people, with all of his funerary equipment, including three precious and beautiful tiaras, crescent-shaped and exceptionally decorated.
In today’s handicrafts there are many representations and reproductions of this important pre-Inca treasure, where the masks, for their symbolic meaning, find a place of great importance.
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