Informazioni aggiuntive
Lunghezza | 50 cm |
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1.400,00 €
Le campagne di Alessandro Magno nella prima metà del 300 a.C. in Asia Anteriore misero in contatto la civiltà greca con quella orientale. Questo incontro produsse un forte influsso sugli ornamenti: nuovi motivi si inserirono sui tradizionali. Tra i reperti trovati negli scavi: grani di Pietra, perline d’Oro e di Vetro e rocchetti per l’infilatura in Avorio o Osso tinti con colori vegetali e decorati a motivi geometrici.
Questa preziosa Collana di scavo viene proposta infilata con un laccio in seta cangiante, regolabile in lunghezza, che ne esalta il pregio.
Lunghezza | 50 cm |
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The campaigns of Alexander the Great in the first half of 300 BC in the Middle East produced a contact between Greek and Eastern civilizations. This meeting gave strong influences in the arts and the making of jewels and ornaments: new designs were born as an union between traditional shapes and decorations from both cultures. Among the treasures discovered in the excavations: Stone grains, Gold and glass beads and spinning reels in Ivory and Bone, dyed with vegetal colors and decorated with geometrical patterns.
This Necklace, realized with pieces from the excavation itself, has been threaded with a silk lace of adjustable length, which enhances its value.
The campaigns of Alexander the Great in the first half of 300 BC in the Middle East produced a contact between Greek and Eastern civilizations. This meeting gave strong influences in the arts and the making of jewels and ornaments: new designs were born as an union between traditional shapes and decorations from both cultures. Among the treasures discovered in the excavations: Stone grains, Gold and glass beads and spinning reels in Ivory and Bone, dyed with vegetal colors and decorated with geometrical patterns.
This Necklace, realized with pieces from the excavation itself, has been threaded with a silk lace of adjustable length, which enhances its value.
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