Artigianato Hopi | Shalako Hemis Kachina

Artigianato Hopi | Shalako Hemis Kachina


Shalako Kachina DollsLe kachinas realizzate in questo stile sono le più interessanti ed emozionanti tra le opere dei nativi Navajo e Hopi, tanto che sono molto richieste e ricercate dai collezionisti.
Tradizionalmente vengono ricavate da pezzi di legno, rami e radici, dalla curvatura naturale e la maestria dell’artista sta proprio nel valorizzare il materiale grezzo traendone una figura che verrà dipinta con colori vivaci e disegni che la renderanno un pezzo unico.
Queste kachine partecipano alle cerimonie che onorano la fine del vecchio e l’inizio del nuovo anno, benedicendo le case, ringraziando per un raccolto abbondante e quindi un anno prospero.
Hemis Kachina: la kachina qui riprodotta la si trova nelle cerimonie che si svolgono a fine luglio, riti che hanno come significato il portare la pioggia prima del raccolto estivo.
È la kachina che porta il mais coltivato dalla gente, garantendo così prosperità, ricchezza e fertilità. La maschera che la interpreta ballando scuote un sonaglio, evocando così il suono della pioggia.


Informazioni aggiuntive

Diametro6 cm
Altezza45 cm
Paese d'origine



Shalako Kachina Dolls – The kachinas made in this style are the most interesting and exciting amongst the works of the Navajo and Hopi natives, so much so that they are in great demand and sought after by collectors.
Traditionally they are made from pieces of wood – branches and roots – with a natural curvature and the artist’s mastery lies in enhancing the raw material drawing a figure that will be painted with bright colors and designs that will make it unique.
These kachinas take part in the ceremonies that honor the end of the old and the beginning of the new year, blessing the houses, giving thanks for a bountiful harvest and thus a prosperous year.
Hemis Kachina: the kachina reproduced here is found in the ceremonies that take place in late July to bring the rain before the summer harvest.
It is the kachina that carries the corn grown by people, thus ensuring prosperity, wealth and fertility. The mask who plays it dances while shaking a rattle, evoking the sound of rain.

Shalako Kachina Dolls – The kachinas made in this style are the most interesting and exciting amongst the works of the Navajo and Hopi natives, so much so that they are in great demand and sought after by collectors.
Traditionally they are made from pieces of wood – branches and roots – with a natural curvature and the artist’s mastery lies in enhancing the raw material drawing a figure that will be painted with bright colors and designs that will make it unique.
These kachinas take part in the ceremonies that honor the end of the old and the beginning of the new year, blessing the houses, giving thanks for a bountiful harvest and thus a prosperous year.
Hemis Kachina: the kachina reproduced here is found in the ceremonies that take place in late July to bring the rain before the summer harvest.
It is the kachina that carries the corn grown by people, thus ensuring prosperity, wealth and fertility. The mask who plays it dances while shaking a rattle, evoking the sound of rain.


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