Informazioni aggiuntive
Lunghezza | 80 cm |
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Paese d'origine | |
Color |
590,00 €
Straordinaria Collana in Corallo nero.
E’ composta da elementi di dimensioni e forme diverse tra loro, tutti lasciati naturali nella loro struttura originale, dove l’intervento compiuto dall’artigiano che l’ha realizzata lo si può trovare nel taglio, nella foratura e nella lucidatura.
Ornamento di grande eleganza e particolarità, la collana è infilata di seguito senza chiusura, essendo lunga a sufficienza per poterla indossare dalla testa, questo per mantenere pulito e netto l’aspetto originario del Corallo.
Lunghezza | 80 cm |
Materiali | |
Paese d'origine | |
Color |
Extraordinary Black Coral Necklace, composed of elements of different sizes and shapes, all left in their natural original structure, where the intervention made by the craftsman who has realized it can be found in the cutting, drilling and polishing.
Ornament of great elegance and originality, this necklace presents no closure – being long enough to be worn as it is – to maintain the clean and original appearance of the coral.
Extraordinary Black Coral Necklace, composed of elements of different sizes and shapes, all left in their natural original structure, where the intervention made by the craftsman who has realized it can be found in the cutting, drilling and polishing.
Ornament of great elegance and originality, this necklace presents no closure – being long enough to be worn as it is – to maintain the clean and original appearance of the coral.
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