Sciarpe Tibet Lana yak


Sciarpe Tibet lana yakSciarpa lavorata e tessuta artigianalmente, tinta con colore vegetale grigio melange.
Nella scheda prodotto altre informazioni utili – apri ‘leggi tutto’ e vedi sciarpa indossata.
Lo yak, il cui nome significa ricchezza ed è conosciuto anche come bue tibetano, è un grosso mammifero della famiglia dei bovini che allo stato brado vive sull’altopiano tibetano, nel Pamir e nella zona himalayana sino ai 6000 metri, mentre allevato è presente in un’ampia area dell’Asia Centrale.
Utilizzato dall’uomo sin dall’antichità sia come animale da lavoro sia per il latte, la carne e la lana, lo yak è stato di recente introdotto nel nostro paese, grazie soprattutto all’iniziativa di R. Messner che alleva mandrie a Solda e nel Cadore.
Sciarpe Tibet lana yak – la fibra ottenuta dal suo pelo, che lo yak perde naturalmente all’inizio della primavera avendo esso un foltissimo mantello, è un ottimo filato utilizzato per realizzare capi di abbigliamento come coperte ed articoli per la casa.
Lo yak, animale sacro in Tibet, in questo modo non è sottoposto a pratiche violente e dolorose per la raccolta del suo pelo, il che rende questi prodotti liberi dai maltrattamenti nei confronti dell’animale, oltre che offrire lavoro ad interi villaggi.
È possibile lavare a mano questo tessuto, con acqua fredda e detersivo neutro, non lasciandolo ammollo e sciacquandolo poi con acqua corrente.
Sciarpe lana e cachemire
sciarpe tibet lana yak


Informazioni aggiuntive

Altezza80 cm
Larghezza180 cm
Paese d'origine




Soft Scarf in yak wool, knitted and woven by hand and dyed with vegetable color in beautiful shade of gray melange.
The yak – which name means wealth and is also known as Tibetan ox – is a large mammal of the cattle family that lives in the wild on the Tibetan plateau, in Pamir and in the Himalayan region up to 6000 meters, but is bred in a large area of Central Asia.
Used by people since ancient times both as a working animal and for its milk, meat and wool, the yak has been recently brought to our country thanks to the initiative of R. Messner who breeds herds in Solda and in Cadore.
The fiber obtained from its fur, which the yak naturally lose in the beginning of spring due to its very thick coat, makes a great yarn used for garments such as blankets and household items.
The yak, animal considered sacred in Tibet, is therefore not subjected to violent and painful practices for the collection of his fur, which makes these products cruelty free, as well as bringing work to entire villages.
You can hand wash the fabric with cold water and a mild detergent. Do not let it soak and rinse it under running water.

Soft Scarf in yak wool, knitted and woven by hand and dyed with vegetable color in beautiful shade of gray melange.
The yak – which name means wealth and is also known as Tibetan ox – is a large mammal of the cattle family that lives in the wild on the Tibetan plateau, in Pamir and in the Himalayan region up to 6000 meters, but is bred in a large area of Central Asia.
Used by people since ancient times both as a working animal and for its milk, meat and wool, the yak has been recently brought to our country thanks to the initiative of R. Messner who breeds herds in Solda and in Cadore.
The fiber obtained from its fur, which the yak naturally lose in the beginning of spring due to its very thick coat, makes a great yarn used for garments such as blankets and household items.
The yak, animal considered sacred in Tibet, is therefore not subjected to violent and painful practices for the collection of his fur, which makes these products cruelty free, as well as bringing work to entire villages.
You can hand wash the fabric with cold water and a mild detergent. Do not let it soak and rinse it under running water.


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